Capitalization Worksheets
Capital Letter worksheets help kids practice proper grammar skills. They learn the rules of capitalization, such as capitalizing the first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, days of the week, months of the year, holidays, and titles. They will enjoy reading, writing, and spelling activities when they are working on Capital Letter worksheets.
Circle the Capitals - #4
Sentence Correcting - #4
Sentence Correcting - #5
Capitalize Proper Nouns - Places
Sentence Correcting - #1
Capitalize Proper Nouns - Months
Circle the Capitals - #2
Sentence Correcting - #3
Circle the Capitals - #3
Capitalize Proper Nouns - Days of the Week
Sentence Correcting - #2
Capitalize Proper Nouns - Holidays
Capitalize Proper Nouns - Four Seasons
Circle the Capitals - #5
Circle the Capitals - #1