Time Telling Worksheets
Enjoy watching them discover the concepts of clocks, reading clocks in half-hour increments, telling time to the minute, and elapsed time. Download and print your free telling time worksheets today to help stimulate your child's mind!
Draw the Clock - Half Hours - #6
Draw the Clock - 5 Minute - #6
Months of the Year: Word Search
Write the Missing Letter
Trace and Write the Months
Say, Trace and Write Days of the Week
Sunday - Days of the Week Tracing
Saturday - Days of the Week Tracing
Friday - Days of the Week Tracing
Thursday - Days of the Week Tracing
Wednesday - Days of the Week Tracing
Tuesday - Days of the Week Tracing
Monday - Days of the Week Tracing
Last Month This Month Next Month
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
What day comes after ...
List the Months in Correct Order
Write the Months in Correct Order
Days of the Week Tracing
Telling Time - 15 Minute Intervals
Months of the Year Questions - #2