Math Worksheets
Count and Color the Animals
Christmas: Even or Odd Numbers
Veggies: Even or Odd Numbers
Fruit: Even or Odd Numbers
Friday - Days of the Week Tracing
Thursday - Days of the Week Tracing
Tuesday - Days of the Week Tracing
Draw the Clock - 10 Minute - #7
Measurement - Animals Length
Draw the Clock - 15 Minute - #1
Skip Counting by 10s
Skip Counting by 10s to 250
Skip Counting by 10s to 250 Number Chart
Skip Counting by 5s to 125 - #2
Skip Counting by 5s to 125 Number Chart
Draw the Clock - 15 Minute - #6
Draw the Clock - 15 Minute - #5
Draw the Clock - 15 Minute - #8
What Month Comes After
Counting by 2's to 100 - #1
Missing Numbers (1-12)